Abbey’s Story


Trip Testimony Series


Today our group had the opportunity of visiting a school and a boma in Masailand. At the school we got to sing, dance, perform a skit, for the kids which the joy of the Lord was obviously very evident. It was really interesting to me to see just how much joy and appreciation all the children have to be at school. Whether this is from a bad home situation, interest in learning, or simply spending time around other kids, the children LOVE school and LOVE every day they get to attend it. The joy of the kids dancing and giving high-fives was so incredibly infectious and exploring the boma was SO COOL that only taking this away from this day would have been plenty, but we have a God that romances our hearts so much that He only continued to stretch my mind as the day progressed.  

After visiting the school and boma, with the help of our driver saitoti, we had the privilege to see some wild giraffes when driving by on the highway. Saitoti heard we had been hoping that we would see some on the way to the school (we didn’t) so on our way home he asked some locals if they had seen any giraffes lately. They pointed him into the direction of when they last saw them, but this was not definite by any means. As we were driving I remember watching Saitoti looking out his window with eyes peeled for any sign of giraffes. When he found some, this dude didn’t just point them out from the road but this guy up and drove OFF THE PAVED HIGHWAY over rocks and thorns and who knows what else (not knowing how it would end or what would go wrong) just to get a SUPER duper close look for us. So here we are driving through all this craziness just to follow these giraffes. But let me just tell you, the closer we got the more incredible and breathtaking it was. 

Thinking back on our adventure off the road and to the giraffes brought me to think about it in a more spiritual sense. I was shocked when Saitoti turned and drove off the road because that was not even an idea in my head or in any of ours I don’t think. Personally, I would’ve been completely satisfied with just watching the giraffes from the highway 100 feet away instead of following them because at the end of the day you can still see them, right? But that just isn’t what God calls us to do now is it? The chorus of the song, “I will follow” by Chris Tomlin has been repeating in my head every time I think about our journey to the giraffes. 

“Where You go, I’ll go. 

 Where You stay, I’ll stay.

 When You move, I’ll move. 

 I will follow You.” 

There are two types of Christians in the world: those who obediently follow God, yet only if the road to follow Him is nice and paved vs. those who are obedient no matter what condition the road to God is in. But that’s not what God calls us to be like. God wants our trust. He wants our trust to follow him in any circumstance. And when I say God wants our trust, He WANTS our trust. Without questions or borders. He wants us in the rivers of heartbreak. He wants us when joy is overflowing. He wants us through the confusion. The grief. The blessings. God wants us to follow Him when the road is not paved and destruction is everywhere. I don’t know about you, but I aspire the Christian that wholeheartedly and confidently follows the Lord at ALL TIMES. I aspire to be the Christian that goes wherever He goes, stays wherever He stays, and moves wherever He moves. I aspire to be the Christian that confidently and wholeheartedly lays down my fears at the feet of Jesus to follow Him. God calls us to drive through the thorns and rocks and fears to follow him. So stop settling for the paved road, stop sticking to your comfort zone, stop staying in your safe place. Living a life for the Lord has NEVER been a promise of simplicity, but the destination in God’s arms is so perfect and unimaginable that the roads will all be worth it. 


Daniel’s Story