260 million persecuted.
Our Mission
“Baba’s Glory exists to share the gospel globally. Through evangelism and strategic outreach programs, our heart is to create a movement of believers in oppressed and developing regions.”
Our Vision
The vision of Baba’s Glory is to share the Father’s love globally. Above all, our heart is to communicate the gospel with every individual, but strategically, in areas where believers are persecuted and unheard people groups exist. Baba’s Glory operates by aiding local governments and churches, as well as other non-profits, with relevant outreach programs for the sake of making His name known. Baba’s Glory also exists to develop leaders through short and long-term missions, with the desire to raise individuals who will continue the fight to spread the gospel worldwide.
Our Story
Our journey started in 2012, on a mission trip to Johannesburg, South Africa. Moved by the physical and spiritual need of the country, our hearts ignited to spread God’s love and the gift of salvation through Jesus globally. As a fourteen and fifteen-year-old at the time, we felt God calling us to be a part of something bigger than anything we could have dreamed of; and thus, Baba’s Glory was born. From there, we spent the next several years visiting ministries and non-profits worldwide, eager to learn about strategies and models that were successful in combatting issues of poverty, education, orphan care, and spiritual need. Through His guidance (and many gracious NGO leaders) our vision was shaped to where we are today. Baba’s Glory International exists to be more than just a ministry that meets physical needs. Although we firmly believe in 1 John 3:17-18, to not simply love in word but in deed and truth; even more so, our heart is to share the news of salvation globally, consistent with Mark 16:15.
Our Why
There are 3.14 billion unreached individuals; 3.14 billion people who do not know the loving relationship of Jesus and risk not knowing eternity. 60% of unreached people groups live in countries closed to missionaries from North America, a continent who in 2010, recorded sending the largest total number of missionaries. In no way do we believe that makes us better than anyone, but instead, highlights the incredible resources our region has been privileged with to share the gospel around the world.
Instead, it highlights a challenge that has hindered our ability to reach countries in the 10/40 window. The 10/40 window is a region across north Africa and the Middle East, which holds two-thirds of the world’s population and is home to a majority of the world’s most unevangelized countries. These statistics provide insight into an area of missions that needs support, and we want to join in on the battle with the local people and other NGOs who are already on the front lines.
With all worldly odds against us, we are confident that the salvation of the gospel is worth the risk to take our chances. The mission of Baba’s Glory is to tell people about Jesus in hard to reach places. Through strategic outreach initiatives by partnering with local communities, our heart is to share the gospel globally.