New Vision
A message from our Executive Director
Welcome to Baba’s Glory International! We’re honored that you’ve made it our way, both old and new friends alike. Our journey over the past few years has been a time of learning and discovering what God has in mind for Baba’s Glory. From conception of the ministry, our heart has been to care for orphan children, working to reconnect children who have been placed in orphanages back with a parent or immediate family member. James 1:27 makes that clear: ‘Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after the orphans and widows in their distress.’ So, we continue to run the race with that verse as our intention. However, it’s crucial that our foundation also exists to make His name known. If we feed a thousand people and they don’t know Jesus, they may be fed but they won’t know heaven. Therefore, a new vision was brought into the ministry.
Baba’s Glory International exists to share the gospel in oppressed and developing regions. Through street evangelism and strategic outreach programs, our heart is to create a movement of believers in these hard to reach countries. If you’ve been with us over the years, we sincerely thank you for the support and encouragement you’ve been to the ministry. And if you’re new, welcome to the family! We are ready to fully embrace this new vision and hope you are ready to join us on the ride! In all things, would everything we do bring glory to Him forever.
McKenna Hammack